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A social media event: The story of the king of popAs part of social media marketing, there is a new phrase that spreads a pandemic throughout the world like a virus. It's called a media eclipse. What is a media eclipse? A media eclipse is when nearly all media is focused on one event on one day. The funeral of Michael Jackson is one such event. Radio, television, the internet and newspapers from all over the world will focus on the BIG EVENT. As usual I invite you to please share this article and video with your friends. Click on the ShareThis link...Michael has been in the music business since he was 5 years old. His life has not been easy but today he will be remembered for his contribution to music and dance. Amazingly, he innovated the world of music and dance with... -> Music videos that told a story Take his lessons in marketing and use them in your business to sell your products and services like hotcakes. Really he was a master of social marketing. He invented phrases and moves that media advertisers drool over after banging their creative heads with hammers. Who can ever forget The Best Moon Walk Please share this article and video with your friends. Click on the ShareThis link... May you rest in peace and God loves you, |