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How to turn a problem into a multi-million dollar businessHow you can turn a problem into a solution... into a money-making business. Keep reading and watch the video. Please share this story and video with your friends. Click on the ShareThis link... Imagine that you're getting ready to go to a party then... suddenly you spill a drink on your handbag. What can you do? You don't have time to go to a store. You don't have another handbag. So you decide to try and stitch a piece of material over it. Doesn't work! You try to staple a patch on. Still it doesn't look good at all. Well you empty your handbag and transfer everything in another one of your handbag. The next day you get a brilliant idea. You use credit card size magnets to cover your handbag with another material. The magnets are inside the material and the handbag. Wow looks pretty nice and yet I don't need to transfer my wallet, make-up, keys and napkins or whatever is in this baby everytime I go out. A former dental hygienist from Utah, Michelle Romero got this idea to cover bags with "shells" after spilling something on her favourite purse. After trying staples and tape she came up with the idea to have magnets hold different shells in place. Within seconds you can go from a black purse, to a red one to a funky one. She showed a prototype to her business savvy friend Annette Cavaness, who had experience as an accessories buyer. The two women created Miche Bags, a company that has become a worldwide phenomena. How do they sell their new product? Well the good old Internet came to the rescue. Sales reps set home parties through websites or occasionally they do demos at Costco. It all started in 2005 and today the Miche Bag company has more than 200,000 sales reps and is now sold in 34 countries worldwide. Sales revenues are in the $200 million range. Wow ! It's your turn. Now take any major problems and find a money-making solution. Watch the video and imagine how to find a problem and find a solution. It's so much fun when you think about it...
As usual I invite you to please share this story and video with your friends. Click on the ShareThis link... Just Imagine Your Success And Do It Now,