A Golf Story About Life

Have you ever hit a golf ball?

I have and I know how difficult it can be to hit a straight ball but this story is really not about the sport.

It's about life and the journey of a family.

You're about to watch the story of a 5 year old who learned his craft by watching the sport channel hours after hours.

But amazingly...

This brave little boy has cancer in the eye.

While you watch these videos, think about how he learned to play the game and why he is playing. Think about his father, his mother and sister.

When you have a family, you understand the dynamics of social life in a home. You have your challenges and you deal with them daily. It's all about _ _ _ _.

I invite you to watch these 2 videos and learn the lessons of life with a prodigy.

Will he ever match Tiger Woods records ?

~ Just Imagine Success,


P.S. Learn how this prodigy learned golf easily.