Free ecard greeting to put on your website
Put a free ecard greeting story on your website daily. It is automatically updated each day for you.
The Daily Motivational Story club is here to promote peace, harmony and respect throughout the world.
Even though we see daily horrors of war and crime, it's up to you and I to work at peace. It just does not happen automatically. Anyone who lives with their partner knows that each day we negotiate to arrive at agreements.
Live your life with passion and let your decisions make your dreams come true.
These motivational stories will inspire visitors to your site to achieve their desired outcomes.
Go ahead, insert the html lines and enjoy these free motivational stories. These free ecard greeting stories will look like this on your webpages:
Just put the html lines in the table below in your html code on each of your webpages.
<a href="">
<img border="0" src=""></a> |
Right now you can copy and paste these html lines into your webpages. It's free and that simple.
Click here to see a free ecard greeting picture.