What kind of determination do you have ?

Determination is a decision to reach your result without compromise.

You are willing to try many different approaches to get the outcome you want.

When I ran my first marathon, I motivated myself by listening to the theme song of Rocky and by watching the scenes in the movie when Rocky Balboa started to train and run early each morning.

I especially enjoyed the scene when he ran up the stairs to the top of the city and started to jump up and down with his arms raised up in the air.

I enjoyed the contrast between the pain and struggle when he started to train right up to the moment when he could sprint and climb up those stairs with ease and confidence.

Really his training paid off. And so did mine. I ran my first marathon with ease in three hours, thirty-five minutes, and thirty-seven seconds.

As of today those scenes from the movie, Rocky, are still embedded in my mind and they will always be there to help me train and achieve peak performance.

I invite you to watch and listen this video story read by Tony Robbins about Sylvester Stallone.

The video is 9 minutes and 20 seconds.

A great story of courage !

Set your outcome, why you want it and try different approaches until you achieve your outcome.

Just Imagine Your Success,


P.S. Use your power of determination.