How does a billionaire like Dell react to challenges?

What did Michael Dell do when his company faced challenges?

Imagine he bougth 3 million shares with 70 million dollars of his own money...

and made a $2,000,000.00 profit on paper.

Do you understand what he did?

Advice and lessons to entrepreneurs from Michael Dell the billionaire...

-> cutting prices on computers

-> 160 small kiosks to touch products with orders online or over the phone

-> 2 giant retail stores to view all products

-> improve customer services

-> changed his chip supplier from Intel to AMD

-> product expansion

-> sell products to everyone worlwide where 96% of his market exists

-> leading position in the 1.4 trillion market

-> be willing to experiment and fail

-> try things

-> experiment

-> ask questions

-> don't be stuck on any position

-> listen and look for breakthroughs

Watch this 2 minute and 27 second video from a master business man...

~ Just Imagine Your Success,

Lessons from Dell

P.S. Like Dell, discover the genius within you