Among comedians, he is a racist comedian who makes a big difference
In the world of comedians, he is one of the 20 richest with earnings of $10 million dollars in 2008-2009.
Imagine he has sold more than 250,000 copies of his DVDs, Outsourced and Red, White and Brown.
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And of course he is Canadian ??? like I AM Canadian. Maybe be he doesn't look like he was born in Canada but Russell still is a Canadian.
Aren't we all racist ? Amazingly he teaches us how to accept are differences through laughter.
Would you believe he was a boxer, DJ, and break dancer? Ultimately everybody told him to be a stand-up comedian. So now he is a multicultural comic. And a very good one.
Now I know that you know I am always thinking marketing strategies and neuropsychology but anyway here goes...
He hit on a niche. So that makes him unique and different in the world of comics. And he was the first.
His memory is unbelievable. Probably one of the best asset for a comedian.
Can you tell a joke without messing it up? I tried to make a viral tell-a-joke video on
but I guess I bombed!
As you watch the videos below, notice his quick wit.
One day somebody put his videos on Youtube and Google video and they got more than 30 million views... a great viral publicity strategy especially if it comes from your fans.
He learned to master the English language because his father was an English teacher and a great storyteller. All great skills to have if you want to be funny.
In fact he says, "I'm the perfect hybrid of my mom and dad." I'd say it was the perfect genome.
Why is laughing so good for you?
It's simple. Laughing puts your brain into a happy mood. I explain it all in my freee preview of my eBook,
The Magic Of Laughing.
Russell Peters has a lesson for us all. He says, "You are never above bombing."
Don't we all make mistake BUT the secret is to get back up.
Remember to laugh every day...
Watch a 2-part video to learn how Rusell Peters made it...
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