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Can angels help your dreams come true?Lots of angels would not help him but... As usual I invite you to please share this article and video with your friends. Click on the ShareThis link... Howard went on to college at Michigan State playing football because that was the only way he could have gotten in. After college Howard went to work at Xerox where he gained a lot self-confidence. Then after a life-changing trip to Europe he fell in love with the romance of the Italian espresso bar. When he came back he talked to over 200 investors to raise the finances to build his dream for Starbucks in America, but ninety-nine percent of them said 'no' and it was at a time when his wife was pregnant with their first child. It was just a brutal time. Thousands of Starbucks later, Howard is living proof of what happens when you have the courage to dream big. Watch the video and ask yourself... Are you defined by your financial success? Is it wealth? Can you achieve your dream if it is financially driven? What is important? How do you believe in your dreams?
As usual I invite you to please share this article and video with your friends. Click on the ShareThis link... ~ Just Imagine Your Success And DO IT NOW,