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How did Mark become a whiz marketerMark is one of the first Internet millionaire. I invite you to please share this video with others. Click on the ShareThis link... He really knows how to sell on the Internet. Proof He built a site, SearchHound, which he built from scratch, ran on a zero advertising budget, and then sold for $4,000,000 ($3,000,000 in cash and $1,000,000 in strike warrants) partly due to the high traffic it received. His free ebook "Search Engine Secrets", has been downloaded more than a million times and used by entrepreneurs all around the world. He is recommended by some of the most famous modern advertisers, such as Jay Conrad Levinson, who called him "the best" Internet marketer today. As a prolific author, he is the best-selling author of many books, MindControlMarketing.com, The Irresistible Offer, and The Proven Formula. He also invented technologies that accelerate money-making success quickly and easily. He launched most of his projects through his parent company Aesop Corporation which he closed in 2003 after selling off its subsidiaries. Now he operates the site simpleology.com and integrationmarketing.com. He's an expert in the martial arts. He dropped out of high-school but went on to sell millions and millions of dollars in products and services. Also he earned a Bachelor of Science in Psychology through independent study while simultaneously serving in the U.S. Army as a Korean linguist (he speaks Korean fluently graduating at the top of his class at the Defense Language Institute). He is a cold-war veteran of military intelligence and a former U.S. Army Officer. He held a Top Secret SCI clearance (the highest clearance level in the US) for several years. Currently lives in Auckland, New Zealand. He has just released his new book, but it's not yet available at your local bookstore. Instead, he's letting you download it now for free. Click on the P.S. to get your free copy and if you want a free software. I don't know how long this offer will last, so go there now to get the book free. If you want to learn how to grow your business, this is an absolute must-read. Watch the video then click on the P.S. to get your free copy.
~ Just Imagine Your Success,